You’re NOT the Best, and That’s Great!

I don’t know why, but we’ve been fed a considerable amount of bull%#$ about success.

“You have to be the winner, you have to be the best, you have to be #1, etc. If you’re not the best, then it doesn’t count.”

Horse pucky.

Tell someone that you want to be an online marketer, and they’ll tell you that you were never good at this and that, you failed at that and this, you have no head for business, you don’t have the skills and so forth.

Whether you want to be an athlete, an artist or an online marketer, just go for it.

And remember that you do not have to be the best. You only have to be good enough to make a living, whatever that means to you.

In the case of online marketing, you also need to help others because that’s how you make money.

You do NOT have to write the PERFECT sales letter, or create the PERFECT product, or have the PERFECT launch.

You learn what to do and then you do it. You make some mistakes and next time you do better.

Which, by the way, is how it’s done. And it’s awesome that you are taking action and not getting sidetracked by that voice in your head that says you’re not doing it PERFECTLY and so it doesn’t count. Nor are you getting distracted by that OTHER voice that says you can’t do it, or you don’t have permission, or you’re not following rules, or… whatever.

Perfection is the road to procrastination, which is the road to failure.

So, screw perfection, and forget about every person who ever told you that you can’t, because the FACT is, you can.

And the way you do it is to just DO it and ship it. See what happens, course correct, and do it again.

One last thing: I have friend we’ll call Joe. Joe’s been making a product for 14 months now. Why is it taking so long? Because it has to be perfect. 12 modules, about 6,000 words each, and every word has to be perfect.

Joe will never get it perfect, and thus he will never finish. And because he’ll never finish, he’ll never launch and he’ll never have to worry about the product failing.

I’d rather have 10 failures than one product I never launched. From the failures I can learn at least one thing: I failed and it didn’t kill me. If it didn’t kill me, then it made me stronger and wiser, so I’ll do it again until I get it right.

Maybe we should have a rule that we ship everything when it’s 95% finished. This way we can never get caught up in the trap of perfection.

Remember, you’re not the best, and that’s great!

What This Guy Stumbled Across By Accident Nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO Is Anything But Average.

It's Still Banking Him $25,000 - $35,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

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