Simple Trick Triples Your Output

You’ve only got so many hours in the day to get stuff done.

Plus, you’d like to have a social life, too, right?

So how do you get the most stuff done – and done well – in the least amount of time?

With something called task grouping.

Grouping tasks simply means spending a majority of the day or a large chunk of time within a certain day to do a specific kind of task.

It could be creating several podcasts back to back.

Or answering all emails once per day, rather than throughout the day.

Or outlining or even writing several blogposts at once.

It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you can do several of it back to back.

This is beneficial because instead wasting time transitioning from one kind of task to another kind of task, and having to get back into the flow state each time you switch tasks, you can get into one groove and stay there until you have several tasks accomplished.

You can wake up knowing that today is the day you outline the next 3 months of blogposts, and so your head and your mental energy is in the right place for that.

It allows you to get a lot more done in a short period of time.

Let’s say you’re doing podcasting. You do 4 or 5 podcasts in one afternoon or one day, and then you can send them off together to be edited, and your podcasts are done for the month.

Think of how much more you could get done if the day to day stuff took maybe a third or a quarter of the time it takes now.

When you switch between tasks, your mind has to shift gear, too. You use different thinking to do different tasks in an optimal fashion. Think of a time when you were “in the zone.” What happened when someone interrupted you? You lost the flow.

It’s the same thing every time you switch between tasks – you lose the flow. Trying to pick up where you left off, you lose time figuring out where you were and what you were doing. And if you add all of this up at the end of the day, you’ve lost not only time and productivity, but also the quality of your work has suffered, too.

But don’t get this confused with taking breaks. Your brain needs you to take a 5-minute break every hour so it can recoup and get ready for the next burst of work. And your body will really appreciate it if you use those 5 minutes to MOVE and get your heart beating a little faster, too.

To summarize, batch your work so that you are doing similar things in a bunch, like recording several podcasts in one day. Take short breaks to move and get your energy flowing, then get right back to work. Don’t allow any other interruptions other than short breaks.

You’ll be amazed at how much work you get done.

What This Guy Stumbled Across By Accident Nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO Is Anything But Average.

It's Still Banking Him $25,000 - $35,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

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