How School Ruins Your Business
Whether you spent 12 or 16 years or more in school, I’d like to make a radical suggestion:
Forget your schooling.
Frankly, I wanted to use a different “F” word than “Forget.”
Here’s why:
In school, they teach you that attendance is important. You have a perfect attendance record? Here’s a merit badge. You missed 12 days due to colds, the flu, or the time you went on a trip with your parents? BAD student.
They’re training you to work 40 hours a week for someone else, making that someone else rich while you slog away at a job – healthy or sick – to barely earn your living. Gee, thanks so much, school.
In school, they teach you that taking someone else’s idea and building on it is CHEATING. You will go the office right now for being a copycat!
In business, you are awarded and applauded for taking an idea and building on it. The assembly line? Henry Ford didn’t invent it, yet he become famous and rich for using and perfecting it.
In school, they teach you that you must do your own work. Don’t pay the smart student to do it for you, that’s cheating!
But in business, you can pay others to do all the things that you’re not good at or don’t want to do. And for that, you make lots of money, employ others and again, get applauded for your good sense.
In school if you fail, it’s bad news! You must never fail!
In business, you’re going to fall flat on your face now and then. If you don’t, then you aren’t trying anything new. Everyone applauds the entrepreneur who keeps going despite failure and eventually succeeds in a big way.
In school, you’re taught there is one way to do things – the way you’re told to do them. Even if math, when you show your work, if you used a different method to arrive at the exact same answer, you’re told that your method is wrong and their method is right.
Says who?? Says the school.
But in business, thinking outside of the box and finding creative solutions will earn you a fortune.
In school, you’re taught not to do things until you have something called “permission.” This is the higher ups telling you that you are not smart enough, mature enough or knowledgeable enough to make decisions yourself.
And some adults carry this line of thinking with them throughout their entire lives. Now that really is sad.
But as an entrepreneur, there is no one to tell you to move forward. You’ve got to give yourself permission to do what needs to be done.
In fact, if you’re waiting for someone to give you permission, why not do it now? Write down, “I hereby give myself permission to build my business, make a fortune, enjoy my wealth, and do whatever I want!”
You are a creative, loving, inventive person who deserves the chance to break free from the programming of your schooling and build the business and the life that you want.
And you have my everlasting, unconditional permission to…
Oh yes, and one more thing…
How to Use Other People’s School Experience to Make Money
While you and I know that we don’t need someone else’s permission to build our business, there are countless people out there who are still waiting for permission.
If you think about students, what is the one thing they are chasing? That diploma. Because until they get that piece of paper, they don’t have ‘permission’ to follow their dreams.
Look at Bill Gates and all the other millionaires and billionaires who dropped out of school to start their business, and you know it’s not true.
But they are the exception, not the rule.
As we said, people are brainwashed by schools for 12, 16 and more years that they need PERMISSION to do things.
“May I go to the bathroom?”
“May I proceed to the next grade?”
“May I graduate so I can get the heck out of here?”
People are waiting to be told what to do, and waiting to be given permission to do it.
If you think about it… everything anyone needs to know to start an online business is available online, for FREE.
And yet, people will pay THOUSANDS of dollars to go through 3 day courses that teach them what to do, how to do it, and get permission to get started.
This is not exclusive to IM, either. People pay big money online to take all sorts of classes and courses to get certified in all kinds of things.
One of my favorites is social media marketing. The students of these courses often know more about social media than the instructors, yet they’re paying to get “certified” so they can go on social media and promote a business.
You can benefit from this need for a “higher authority” that gives people the confidence and the green light to go ahead and follow their dreams, whatever they may be.
You can do this through online courses, in person courses, coaching and more. Don’t be afraid if you think you barely know more than they do. Your job is to make them aware of just how much they already know, while filling in any blanks they might have.
And your most important purpose is to give them the confidence to stop talking about it – whatever ‘it’ is – and start DOING it.
Undo the teaching they got in school that says you raise your hand to get permission, and show them THEY are the ones who decide when and where they take action.
The answer, of course, is right now, and right here.
Help them get over the brainwashing their schooling gave them, and you’ll have very happy customers, indeed.
What This Guy Stumbled Across By Accident Nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO Is Anything But Average.
It's Still Banking Him $25,000 - $35,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!
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