Heroes And Villains

We’re all familiar with heroes and their counterpart villains, Batman has the Joker. Superman has Lex Luthor. In Greek mythology Bellerophon had the Chimera. Perseus fought the Kraken. Each hero has their opposite.

In order to become best version of yourself that you can be, in order to become the hero, you need to find the darkest part, you need to find the corresponding villain.

In the fifth century Sun Tzu wrote in The Art Of War, that if you know yourself and your enemy in one hundred battles, you will always be victorious. If you know yourself but not your enemy your chances of victory are fifty/fifty, and if you know neither yourself nor your enemy you will always be defeated.

I’ve written in other articles about how everything boils down to just two choices, something binary, a zero or a one. The same thing is true of each of us; there are two parts, when we learn to resolve the differences of those two, when we learn to accept what strengths and weaknesses those two parts have, and how to merge them into one balanced soul. That’s when we truly become a hero.

Heroes aren’t the ones without fault, without sin, heroes are those that accept their weaknesses and still strive to be greater than the sum of just one part of themselves.

In business, entrepreneurs often are singularly focused on the success they want to achieve for themselves, entrepreneurs are visionaries, they will see the end point but are often incapable of seeing the path to get to it. Much like the fictional villains see the outcome they desire but fall short in their visualisation of how to get there. As Internet Marketers, we have to become the best of both. We need the vision of the villain and the purity and practicality of the hero. We need to be able to see the end points but also see when something isn’t working and be open to change.

In our businesses we will often have the opportunity to follow one path or another, we could find ourselves with a product with no true worth that we could effectively market and sell, yes it would make us profit, but at what cost long term?

Similarly, we could find ourselves with an excellent product, that is either very difficult to sell or has a very limited niche, it will generate less revenue but it is more ethically sound. There is no clear middle ground, its always about finding the right balance. It is about thinking – ‘’What is this showing of me, long term?

‘’Who do I really want to be seen as?’’

What This Guy Stumbled Across By Accident Nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO Is Anything But Average.

It's Still Banking Him $25,000 - $35,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

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