TikTok Marketing in a Nutshell

TikTok is growing fast – it’s been downloaded 1.5 billion times and has 500 million active users who spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the platform. 90% of active users access TikTok at least once per day. Users are overwhelmingly young, with 66% of users under the age of 30.

Yet just 4% of marketers use TikTok.


TikTok users upload videos of 15 seconds or shorter or create and share 60 second stories-type videos.

Users don’t need to follow anybody – they can simply open their app and start playing videos or search by preferred topic.

Marketing on TikTok

You’ve got three main options for marketing on TikTok:

1: Create your own channel and upload relevant videos

2: Work with influencers to reach their audience

3: Pay to advertise

You can also do a combination of any and all of the above.

Hashtag Challenges

These are highly popular and a great way to engage users. Create a challenge along with an appropriate #-tag name. Users then upload videos doing the challenge.

It’s not unheard of to get 5,000 to 10,000 submissions and 10 million engagements if this is done by a celebrity or if it really catches fire.

If you’re not a celebrity, work with an influencer to get your hashtag challenge launched.

User-Generated Content

TikTok users like the full immersive experience. They don’t want to just watch; they also want to participate.

Encourage your customers to share videos of themselves using or interacting with your products in some way to get a high buy-in.

Traditional Influencer Marketing

Find influencers that are a good match for your product and then leave it to them to create the content.

Don’t expect the content they generate to look ultra-professional. To your marketer’s eye it’s going to look downright amateurish, but originality and fun are what work best on TikTok, not high production values.

Paid Advertising

Infeed native videos are 9 to 15 seconds long and support website clicks and app downloads. Impact of video is measured by number of clicks, impressions, CTR, video views, play duration and video interactions of shares and comments.

Brand Takeovers

These are exclusive to one brand every day. Images, animated GIFs and videos can be used with embedded links connected to landing pages or challenges and hashtags within the platform.

Bottom Line: If your audience is under 30 and you have products that are a good fit for video, TikTok could be the next best place for you to go.

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