How to Get MASSIVE Free Publicity, BK Style

In January of 2019, the Burger King Twitter account started liking people’s tweets from almost 10 years ago.

Out of the blue, Twitter users were getting notifications that Burger King had liked some of their tweets from 2010.

For the most part, these Twitter users had millions of followers.

Baffled, confused and intrigued, many of these Twitter users made posts about the incident, wanting to know why Burger King was doing this.


They tweeted things like:

Why is Burger King liking my 8 year old tweets?

— Casey Neistat (@CaseyNeistat) January 24, 2019


Wait why is Burger King going through my tweets from 2010?

— Brant Daugherty (@brantdaugherty) January 23, 2019


You’re about 9 years late. 🤔

— 100T Nadeshot (@Nadeshot) January 23, 2019


As you’ve already guessed, this story went viral.

Then several news websites picked up the story and wrote articles about it, alerting YouTube creators who made videos about it.

All the while, thousands of people on Twitter were tweeting about it.

It was a mystery to be solved, and everybody wanted to know just why Burger King was liking everybody’s old Tweets.

Eventually, when the time was right, Burger King gave everyone the answer they were looking for with this tweet:


Some things from 2010 are worth revisiting—like your old tweets. And funnel cake fries. Get them now for a limited time.

— Burger King (@BurgerKing) January 24, 2019


Yup, that’s right.

Burger King liked everyone’s old Tweets to mystify people and create buzz.

And when enough people were talking about it, Burger King revealed they were liking Tweets from 2010 to advertise that they were bringing back funnel cake fries…

…which were first introduced in—you guessed it—2010.

You might say that Burger King tricked the internet into advertising their funnel cake fries to millions of people for free.

Or you might simply say somebody at Burger King had an excellent idea of how to get massive publicity for absolutely no cost whatsoever.

And it worked like gangbusters.

It was so simple that anyone could have thought of it.

And yet, until this campaign, I don’t know of anyone who had ever done it.

Guaranteed, there is a way to generate massive buzz for your next campaign that will cost you almost nothing.

All you need is one great idea, and then the gumption to execute that idea and make your fortune.

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