Your Enemy’s Enemy is Your Customer

I’m on Vanity Fair’s email list. They send out updates with all their latest posts on politics and the world in general.

Today as I was scrolling through the email, I noticed something interesting at the bottom.



“Third rate Fake reporters,”

“phony and boring” hit pieces



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This is brilliant.

As you may have observed, Donald Trump is a polarizing person. He has people who love him no matter what he says or does. And then there’s the rest of the world.

They are using Trump’s own words (presumably from a tweet or two) to clearly show which side of the line they stand on.

I’ll bet this is working like gangbusters.

What is polarizing about your niche? If it’s not a famous figure, perhaps it’s a certain philosophy or method. Look for issues where people have strong opinions and find a way to use the opposite side to your own benefit.

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