My Top 11 Headline Types That You Can Use To Begin A ‘Killer’ Sales Letter
The type of product you are selling will determine which sort of headline to use. A technological breakthrough will not lend itself to a headline that...
The type of product you are selling will determine which sort of headline to use. A technological breakthrough will not lend itself to a headline that...
Postscripts (the PS at the end of the letter) can increase sales by 30%! Yes it’s true. Christian Godefroy, one of Europe’s most successful direct marketers, never used...
I often get asked questions about the split you should offer when putting together your joint venture deal. So – without beating about the bush –...
As many people will know I have made a great deal of money by selling other people’s products on a Joint Venture basis.
(See for more details)
At first glance this can seem like an odd arrangement, the inevitable question that people ask is “why would the owner of a product let you sell that product and keep half the profits?” Why not simply sell it themselves and keep all of the money?