How to Make Money with Assets You Don’t Even Own

Nearly all successful entrepreneurs have a certain trait in common. And no, I’m not referring to creativity, motivation, work ethic, attitudes, determination, focus or ability to delegate. All of those are important.

But the trait I’m referring to is akin to a special pair of goggles that entrepreneurs wear.

No matter where they look, or what they see, or who might own it, they are always looking for a way to make resources profitable for them.

They are able to recognize a resource or asset that can be used to build their business, even if they don’t actually OWN or cannot buy or hire that resource or asset.

Think of it this way: They don’t pay attention to the “Keep off the grass” signs. Rather, they see the sign and the beautiful grass, and they think, “Maybe I could hold concerts here, or art fairs, or outdoor workshops for executives, or turn it into green juice, or…”

They don’t accept being told what they can and cannot do, or what they do and do not have access to.

They make their own rules instead.

Here’s a prime example…

Richard Branson doesn’t own the media. Yet he doesn’t follow the “rules” laid down for how to interact with the media, either. He doesn’t send out a press release and hope that some reporter does a story on his businesses.

Instead, he has become a master at using the media to advertise his companies.

He knows exactly how to get front-page coverage for his new launches, whether that involves wearing a dress or ballooning into the stratosphere.

From Branson’s point of view, it’s irrelevant that he doesn’t own the media, because he’s able to recognize and utilize it as an asset anyway.

He’s even gatecrashed other companies’ press conferences to get coverage for his own companies.

Again, that’s not following the rules – that’s making your OWN rules.

As you go through your day, recognize the assets all around you, regardless of who owns them.

Ask yourself how you can use these assets to build your own business.

For example, you don’t have a list. But you do have a knack for writing sales copy.

So, you approach a marketer with a big, responsive list, and you offer to write the sales copy for his next campaign in exchange for promoting your product to his list.

It’s not your list. You don’t even have a big name for yourself yet. But you can leverage what you do have to get the attention of another marketer. True, you’re still paying commission on your product, same as always. Plus, you’re writing sales copy for that person, too.

But when they make 300 sales at $47 apiece, or maybe sell 300 of your memberships at $20 a month, do you think it was worth it? You bet!

Maybe there’s a forum in your niche that you don’t like. But on that forum are your potential future customers. No, you don’t own the forum. But you can certainly use that forum to find your customers, and do it in a way that allows you to come back time and again.

Or maybe you need a skilled outsourcer, but you don’t have the cash on hand to pay them. What you do have is great contacts, and you can introduce this outsourcer to contacts.

Look at what you have. Look at what you need. Figure out ways to get what you need using what you do have.

Richard Branson needed media coverage. He still does. But he doesn’t own the media. What he does own is good humor and sense of the fantastic to do whatever is necessary to get the attention of that media.

The next time you think you can’t do something because you don’t own whatever it is you need, start thinking like Richard Branson. What would he do?

And when that small voice in your head says, “Yeah, but you’re not Richard Branson,” tell it to sit down and shut up.

You don’t need to be Richard Branson. You just need to be the best version of you, and be willing to get creative and take action to make it happen, whatever “it” might be.

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