Category: List Building

List Building

Is Twitter Dying?

Over the last few years, concerns about a declining user base have made marketers question the state of Twitter.

List Building

Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is a lead generation plugin for WordPress…
…a list building solution that’s created by a team of people who are obsessed with conversion optimization.

List building

Where the Money is Hidden

They used to say, “The money is in the list.” And that’s still true. But perhaps the REAL money these days is hidden someplace else. Somewhere you might not be looking…

List Building

How to Create a Hugely Successful Lead Magnet

A truly great lead magnet is literally worth its weight in gold because of what it can do for you.
Done correctly, lead magnets are irresistible bribes that offer a specific value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information.
The better the lead magnet, the more subscribers you can get.