Case Study: The Ogilvy-Oyster Method of Sneaky Selling
Here’s how a small shift in your content strategy can lead to big profits:
“The Guide to Oysters” was the first ad advertising expert David Ogilvy wrote for own agency.
Here’s how a small shift in your content strategy can lead to big profits:
“The Guide to Oysters” was the first ad advertising expert David Ogilvy wrote for own agency.
Imagine you’re making a video about how to declutter a closet.
In the video you show the closet beforehand, you explain what you’re going to do and how you’ll do it, and then you have a montage of video clips of you working while music plays. Finally, you come back on screen and give a few parting thoughts.
Plenty of bloggers like to write about their thoughts, their day or the crazy thing that happened to them on the way to the zoo.
But this type of blogging is generally more for fun than for profit.
Last month we covered how to write your first Kindle book in 30 days or less. Now we’re going to cover how to publish your book. While this is not the most exciting step in creating, publishing and marketing your ebook, it is crucial to get a professional looking book that people want to buy, enjoy reading and for which they are happy to leave positive reviews.
Everyone’s got a book inside of them, just waiting to get out. And some people have dozens of books that can each be earning them a monthly income… if only they could just get started.