Category: Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Know the Law Regarding Email

The FTC rigorously enforces laws email compliance. Make sure that your strategy is aligned with the CAN-SPAM Act so that you’re not exposed to potential lawsuits.
Here are the rules that businesses must follow:

Email Marketing

Sneaky Email Trick You’re Gonna Love

Some of the very best marketing techniques are also the simplest.
And you won’t find them in courses or articles, either.
They’re passed by word of mouth from one successful marketer to another, often over a pint (or three) of beer in the later hours of a marketing conference.

Email Marketing

The 4 Day Rainmaker Campaign

This might well be one of the easiest, most profitable campaigns you’ll ever run. It’s worked for years for other people, and can work for you, too.
Rumor has it this campaign (or some incarnation if it) originated from Frank Kern over a decade ago. We’ve used it recently, and we’ll keep using it every month or two because it’s simple and it flat out works at making sales.